Happy 25th Anniversary - Day 1 - Natural Bridge Caverns

After having children, everything revolves around them pretty much 24/7. There is no exception on our 25th anniversary weekend.

We decided to spend 2 nights at the Canyon Lake Hill Country Resort on the Martin Luther King Jr. weekend.  We arrived at  Canyon Lake at 5 p.m. on Saturday, with  just a little bit of time left to enjoy the nice canyon lake view from our patio.

At the Resort, we could get games and movies to our room. We went out to the grocery store to stock up on  goodies. We spent our first night watching  the “Yes Man” movie together. It was one of my favorite movies growing up. The kids loved it and they learned that sometimes when we say yes to things we do not want to do, it could reward us in the end.

We invited the boys’s 2 best friend’s families to spend the second night with us and also to join some fun activities the next day. We had 2 room suites and a sofa sleeper so it was enough room to have fun together. They arrived around 1 and we all spent the day at Natural Bridge Caverns. The kids were very excited to explore the caverns. They enjoyed taking a lot of pictures of the formations and signs they found in the caverns. The caverns had enough light along the way and we could take photos without using a flash and still got great pictures from our iPhone.

The tour guide was very pleasant and gave us a lot of information about the tour. Once in a while, we were thirsty and fortunately we brought bottles of water with us. The walk was pretty easy, however, my little guy fell asleep because it was his noon nap time. My husband had to carry him half of the tour. My husband  has strong arms and enjoys carrying our children around whenever they want him to. They are so spoiled by their daddy.

After the tour, the kids were brave enough to try Canopy explorer. Some were a bit afraid and some were  super excited. Each kid must be accompanied by an adult. I went with the younger one,  and my husband went with the older one.

I was very surprised that the older one was not at all afraid to walk above ground at the highest level. He posted a big smile every time I told him I was going to take his photo. The younger child also walked on the lower level. He had fun, but after walking 10 minutes he said “Mommy Done” . I think he had enough of being challenged.

The boys’ best friends also loved the Canopy Challenge and their parents were happy to see their kids be brave and challenging themselves.

After Canopy explorer, we went to the Mazz. The kids have to find letters that was on the Mazz card. We thought it would be very easy, but it took us half an hour to find them all. The kids were divided into 2 groups and competed for who would find them first. After the first group found them all, they went back to rescue the second group.

The last activity before the park was closed was mining. We bought a mining sand bag for rocks and stone mining. The kids were super excited to get all kinds of beautiful rocks in different sizes and shapes.

We were almost the last group that left Natural Bridge Caverns. What a fun place to enjoy a half day with family.

I would like to thank you Cheyanne, the cavern manager, who gave our entire family VIP guest passes to enjoy this wonderful place.

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